Cap data provided by
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Manage the Cap uses cap data from, the industry's leading and most comprehensive salary cap source on the market. The data includes the team's current cap situation, and the cap data for all players under contract.

Salary ranges are then estimated for impending free agents and any players that may be cut. The computer controls the other 31 teams and makes every other team's decisions based on a combination of their team needs, cap position and quality of the player.

NOTE: This is a BETA launch and we are looking to tweak and fix things to improve the user experience going forward so feedback and suggestions are most welcome!

NFL Free Agency Data Updates:

  • We will take off signed free agents first.
  • Then we will estimate contracts of signed players.
  • When contract info becomes final, we will update final contract information.
  • Please keep that in mind that over the next week or two, some contracts will be estimates until we can finalize data.
  • Thanks for your patience! Enjoy!

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