Super Bowl XLV: Open Thread
Discuss the Super Bowl from start to finish in the comments portion of this blog! I’ll weigh in with thoughts through out the game in both the comments and in the actual post. Enjoy the game!
Prediction: I’ll go into some more detail later, but I like the Steelers in this game, it should be a close one but give me Pittsburgh 31-27!. What are your predictions? Answer below!
It’s game time who do you have ?
I think it will be a close one, but I like the Steelers balance and experience in this one. Their offensive line is a little weak, but Roethlisberger is the one quarterback, that can handle the blitz. Roethlisberger doesn’t win style points for his quarterback play, but this is football not figure staking. Roethlisberger gets the job done and that is all that matters. I think the Packers will keep this game close, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they have some butterflies and start off slow. I don’t expect a blowout, so this should be a fun game to watch.