Trent Williams Get Well Soon Card
Dear Trent Williams,
I know you have knee and toe injuries that have kept you out the past two weeks, but I really hope you are better for this Sunday’s game against the Packers. While the Redskins are 1-1 without you, your presence is sorely missed (Just ask Donovan). Also, with you on the left side of the offensive line, Redskins fan’s hair and heart rates will be thanking you around the nation (especially Mike Shanahan). I will guess that Graham might be a little upset with you since he will have to kick extra points instead of field goals, but I’m sure he will get over it if we win the division.
Please keep your toe in bubble wrap this week so there can’t be any further damage, and you can start this Sunday in front of the home crowd (and hopefully stop Clay Mathews and company cold). Whatever it takes to keep Stephon Heyer out of the Left Tackle spot will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for being a Redskin and feel better, we need you as we sit atop the NFC East!
Sincerely (aka HTTR),
Steve Shoup
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